The Connected World
Today, sensors have a digital voice. It's a voice that allows them to autonomously connect and share data with one another – and the back office – over an IP connection. Anything can have sensors attached to them: people, vehicles, pipelines, infrastructure, robots, and production lines, just to name a few.
The Internet of Things in the critical infrastructure sector can improve the flow of real-time information and enable equipment to be remotely managed and controlled. Dubbed ‘Industry 4.0’ for its potential to power a new industrial revolution, it promises to enhance the productivity of organizations while ensuring greater safety of workers and the community.
This connected web of things offers new opportunities to enhance operations across manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation and other critical infrastructure sectors. It can improve the way you collect, analyze and share real-time information to help your organization make better decisions. Machines can detect and correct potential failures before they become a catastrophe. And, it allows objects to operate autonomously while being monitored by personnel from remote locations.